
Who’s Afraid Of A Fair Map For Illinois?

Via Chicago Tribune:

“Two sure signs that the fight for a fair legislative map is off to a strong start: Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment have collected more than 263,000 signatures to get the measure on the ballot. And the attack mailers are already coming in.

Opposition letters started hitting mailboxes a few days ago, soon after the Independent Map Amendment campaign announced that it was more than a third of the way to its goal of 600,000 voter signatures. (The group needs roughly 300,000 valid signatures before May 2016.)

There are two versions of the letter. One says the effort to end partisan gerrymandering would “put Illinois one step closer to enacting extreme policies that hurt minorities.” The other goes further, calling the amendment a ploy to elect Republicans and destroy middle-class families, “taking away their job protections and driving down their wages.”

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