Why Clinton Still Needs to Worry About Her Benghazi Testimony
Via Chicago Tribune:
WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton is heading into Thursday’s appearance before the House Select Committee on Benghazi with the wind at her back. Coming off a strong debate performance, enjoying rising poll numbers, and now secure in the knowledge that she will not face Vice President Joe Biden in the primary, she is in her strongest political position since the beginning of her campaign.
Her inquisitors, meanwhile, are not so lucky. The committee has been put on the defensive in recent weeks, facing attacks on its legitimacyfollowing the admissions by Republicans that it has targeted the Democratic front-runner for what appear to be partisan motives.
But if Clinton is expecting a victory lap, she may want to think again. Democratic members of the panel say she may be on the hot seat for as long as nine hours in what promises to be a day-long theatrical spectacle complete with overflow rooms and queues of spectators forming as early as two hours before doors open for the 10 a.m. hearing.