
WILLIAM J. KELLY: The media are worried my $100K donation will hurt Rahm

Via Chicago Now

Chicago Sun-Times reporter Dan Mihalopoulos is apparently upset with me for donating $100,000 to my mayoral campaign, which busted the campaign finance caps in the race. Using temper tantrums and spitballs, he and Chicago Tribune blogger Eric Zorn wrote hysterical opinion pieces last week to vent their frustration.

It is sad that these obscure members of the liberal media are bewildered that a true political outsider could dare to donate such a large amount to his own campaign. Consequently, they are concocting wild conspiracy theories with no basis in reality in order to write their stories and attack pieces.  It reveals a level of immaturity that is far too common these days.  That is why they fewer and fewer people are bothering to read what they write.

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