RFI in the News

With pro-labor Amendment 1 on the horizon, labor organizations spend big with little resistance from opposition.

This November, Illinois voters will be voting on Amendment 1, which would enshrine the right to collective bargaining and prevent Illinois from ever becoming a “right to work” state. According to Reform for Illinois’ Executive Director Alisa Kaplan, the financial backing behind the amendment has been rather lopsided; labor organizations such as the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Fight Back Fund have spent about $4 million in support of the amendment, while we have seen minimal spending from opposition groups. Labor has spent heavily on media; however, no television ads or media content has yet to be released. Kaplan estimates, “Either they [labor] are producing commercials that we have not seen yet, or they’re saving their firepower for closer to the election.” If you would like to learn more about the spending behind Amendment 1, check out our recent quarterly report

Read the full article here


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