
Your Support Matters to ICPR

Dear Friends,

We at ICPR continue to provide facts, tools, and data for you to make decisions and be better informed about our government.

Here are some of our recent projects:

•Illinois Sunshine, a state-of-the-art database showing all expenditures and contributions from political committees and Super PACs
•The Illinois Voter Project, a compilation of voter trends and demographics that have never before been released to the public. Data for this project is sourced from the Illinois State Board of Elections
•Free educational forums on strengthening Chicago neighborhoods, building public trust with government, campaign finance reform, and more relevant reform topics
•Legislation turned into laws, such as SB248 that increased disclosure of Super PAC spending before Election Day

We appreciate and need your financial support to keep these events and projects free and open to the public.

Please help by donating today!


Reform for Illinois
230 E Ohio Street
Suite 410 #1459
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 436-1274
Contact Us