To engage the public on matters critical to reform, Reform for Illinois hosts regular educational forums open to anyone. The forums focus on timely, relevant topics and often feature expert panels, key policymakers and candidates.

Latest Past Events

The American Presidency: How Reporting has Changed from Nixon to Trump

At its annual fundraiser, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform (ICPR) hosted Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the reporters who broke the Watergate scandal. In the conversation, Woodward and Bernstein also highlighted the differences in news coverage and media, then to...

Illinois Primary: What Happened & Why On April 5, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform hosted an event, “Illinois Primary Election: What Happened & Why” at the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. The conversation focus on who won on March 20th, why, and what to...


Attorney General Candidate Forum

Union League Club 65 W. Jackson, Chicago     On Wednesday March 7th, 2018, the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform hosted an Attorney General Candidate Forum at the Union League Club of Chicago. See more


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