Via WBEZ A well-funded political action committee has sent a fresh round of negative mailers against two of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s more vocal critics on City Council, but it remains unclear how much of an impact it’s having on their…
Read MoreVia Fox 32 CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) – You probably remember that old movie line: “We don’t need no stinking badges.” Well, you won’t hear that from some Illinois politicians. FOX 32 News has learned that a former elected official…
Read MoreVia Woe, to be the Federal Election Commission in the age of the Koch brothers. The agency charged with safeguarding the integrity of American democracy has, in recent years, been hit again and again by other branches of the…
Read MoreVia Concord Monitor Five years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Citizens United ruling, big-money campaign donors have amassed unprecedented political power and their corrosive influence on our government is growing. Just last month, billionaires Charles and David Koch announced plans…
Read MoreVia Huffington Post As an American citizen, I believe that it is my responsibility to participate fully and actively in the democratic process and to stand up for the policies and values I believe in. That is why I have…
Read MoreVia NPR Many of the more than 32,000 Americans who filed comments told the agency to regulate undisclosed political money. Now citizens can speak at a hearing — alongside campaign lawyers and consultants. Listen to the whole story
Read MoreVia National Journal Campaign finance regulation is a maze. It’s a labyrinthine system with seemingly ever-changing rules for disclosure, donation limits, and what qualifies as “independent expenditures.” A super PAC set up solely to support one candidate would swear…
Read MoreVia Barack Obama has a radical idea for how to reform campaign finance: amend the Constitution. The president told Vox in an exclusive interview that he wants to see such a drastic change, because he thinks the money-in-politics status…
Read MoreVia At the last L’Taken seminar, Illinois students lobbied their Senators and Representative about the critical importance of campaign finance reform. Jonah Helbraun and Ryan Liberman of Temple Beth-El in Northbrook, IL, and Francesca Block of Congregation Hakafa in…
Read MoreVia the Chicago Sun-Times Illinois is teetering on the financial abyss — a $100 billion deep canyon in public employee pension funding. The financial crisis, longer life expectancies, and cost-of-living increases far above recent inflation are a big part of…
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