
Emanuel expands fundraising lead

via the Chicago Tribune Mayor Rahm Emanuel continues to press his fundraising advantage with less than a month to go before the mayoral election, according to state campaign finance reports. Emanuel announced Tuesday night that he had received another $427,499…

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Annisa Wanat confronts Ald. Mell over possible illegal donations

Via chicagophoenix.com Ald. Deborah Mell (33rd) is being hit yet again over possible campaign finance impropriety. This time it’s from Annisa Wanat—hoping to oust Chicago’s only out lesbian alderman to get a chance at representing Albany Park, Avondale, Irving Park, North…

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Trio of veteran school board members running again

Via Chicago Daily Herald Plenty of incumbents will be on ballots for April’s general consolidated election, but few have served as long as Stevenson High School’s Merv Roberts. Roberts has been on the Lincolnshire school’s board since 1981 — an…

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Angela Carella: Election fairness: $25 donor = $2,500 donor

Via Samford Advocate In the Gettysburg Address delivered at Soldiers’ National Cemetery in the middle of the Civil War, President Lincoln said the dead had given “the last full measure of devotion” to preserve the United States. And something more. The soldiers…

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Citizens United: 5 years later

Via Trib Talk Democracy works best when our representatives are focused on their constituents — not dialing for dollars from out-of-district mega-donors or courting favor from Super PACs and special interest groups. Thanks in large part to the U.S. Supreme Court’s…

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Rauner’s real task as governor is this: Ending corruption

Via Crain’s Gov. Bruce Rauner’s most pressing challenge is resolving the state’s fiscal crisis, but his most important long-term goal is stamping out the corruption that corrodes Illinois government. Cronyism, influence peddling and pay-to-play politics got us into the current…

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