Via Reboot Illinois The Illinois State Board of Elections website contains a treasure trove of useful data, but I wouldn’t call it user-friendly to first-time users. This is especially true if you want to use quarterly campaign finance reports to…
Read MoreThis year’s competitive House and Senate elections have been buffeted by more than a half-billion dollars in spending by groups or parties operating independently of the candidates, a record amount of outside spending in a congressional midterm, according to campaign…
Read MoreVia CHANGE Illinois! Click Here to view the report
Read MoreVia Politico The 100 biggest campaign donors gave $323 million in 2014 — almost as much as the $356 million given by the estimated 4.75 million people who gave $200 or less, a POLITICO analysis of campaign finance filings found….
Read MoreVia The State Journal-Register Once upon a time, Illinois was known as the Wild West of campaign finance because the state lacked any substantive limits on what candidates could raise and spend on their runs for political office. That was…
Read MoreVia The Huffington Post WASHINGTON — Nearly five years after the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United altered the landscape for money in politics, Congress has done nothing to reverse the ruling’s adverse side effects for disclosure and collaboration between…
Read MoreVia Reboot Illinois Once upon a time, Illinois was known as the “Wild West” of campaign finance because the state lacked any substantive limits on what candidates could raise and spend on their runs for political office. That was supposed…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Tribune Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn on Friday appointed longtime aide Jerry Stermer to succeed the late Judy Baar Topinka as Illinois comptroller. Stermer will serve as the primary keeper of the state’s checkbook until Jan. 12, according…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Tribune Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Thursday sought to make the case for his first-term record on ethics and pledged to put more information online about bidding for City Hall contracts if he’s re-elected. Not mentioned during the…
Read MoreVia Gapers Block I have figured out how Chicago can get an Elected School Board, how the election laws can stop being endlessly rigged, how actual campaign finance reform can become a possibility, how incessant Pay to Play scams can…
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