
Campaign Finance Reform Is Going Backwards

Via Gawker If America ever wants to shed our cynical, accurate view of our political system being solely a game for the rich, we must—must!—reform the way we finance political campaigns. This week, Congress is determined to take a big…

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Should Judges Be Allowed to Court Campaign Donors?

Via Governing Judicial elections over the past several years have been growing increasingly politicized, as candidates have begun campaigning more vigorously and publicly pledging positions on various controversial issues that could come before them on the bench. But a case…

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Remembering Judy Baar Topinka

Via Chicago Tonight Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, who died at the age of 70, is remembered for her personality, beliefs, and sense of style and humor. “She was a character. She was flamboyant, particularly for Illinois politics,” said former…

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