Via Gawker If America ever wants to shed our cynical, accurate view of our political system being solely a game for the rich, we must—must!—reform the way we finance political campaigns. This week, Congress is determined to take a big…
Read MoreVia Governing Judicial elections over the past several years have been growing increasingly politicized, as candidates have begun campaigning more vigorously and publicly pledging positions on various controversial issues that could come before them on the bench. But a case…
Read MoreVia The Center for Responsive Politics The epitaph for the national political parties may have been written too soon. Yes, the 2002 McCain-Feingold law took away their unlimited soft money donations. And true, Citizens United and other court decisions left…
Read MoreVia ABC News Campaign finance reform has long been on life support, but today it can be declared nearly dead. A proposal tucked deep inside the massive spending bill to keep the government running is a boon for political parties….
Read MoreVia Chicago Tonight Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, who died at the age of 70, is remembered for her personality, beliefs, and sense of style and humor. “She was a character. She was flamboyant, particularly for Illinois politics,” said former…
Read MoreVia The Rock River Times Illinois has become the third state in the nation to call for a constitutional convention to amend campaign finance law to overturn the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling. The Illinois House of Representatives…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Tribune The village of Orland Park wants its residents to be more civically engaged — so much so it’s willing to reward them to do it. Orland Park is currently planning to partner with a Chicago startup,…
Read MoreVia Chicago Now Chicago Sun-Times reporter Dan Mihalopoulos is apparently upset with me for donating $100,000 to my mayoral campaign, which busted the campaign finance caps in the race. Using temper tantrums and spitballs, he and Chicago Tribune blogger Eric…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Sun-Times Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s re-election campaign is looking to hire people to help collect the nominating signatures needed to get the mayor’s name on the February ballot. According to a help-wanted job listing posted on the Idealist…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Reader When the Tribune published a we-can-barely-contain-our-lack-of-enthusiasm endorsement of Bruce Rauner for governor, I commented that it was now the turn of the Sun-Times to make “the equally feeble argument for the other guy. But then I…
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