
Outside money pouring into state Supreme Court race

Via the Chicago Tribune Judicial retention elections are normally quiet races that are not very political. But less than three weeks ago, a political action group called Campaign for 2016 surfaced with the aim of persuading voters in southern Illinois…

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Libertarian candidate for governor gets union cash

Via The State Journal-Register CHICAGO — A Libertarian candidate for Illinois governor is receiving financial help from an unexpected source — one of the unions campaigning against Republican Bruce Rauner because of the Winnetka businessman’s views on organized labor. Chad…

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CHA backing $13 an hour minimum wage, mayor’s office says

Via The Chicago Tribune Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s efforts to position himself as a champion of higher wages continued Monday with his administration’s announcement that the Chicago Housing Authority has agreed to his suggestion to require contractors and subcontractors to pay…

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Madigan, Rauner spend big on Illinois House races

Via the State Journal-Register DES PLAINES — State Rep. Marty Moylan tells voters he’s not your typical Democrat as he bikes from house to house on the campaign trail, handing out yard signs, nail files and doggie treats with his…

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Minimum wage increase supporters urge early voting

Via the State Journal-Register Members of the Raise Illinois coalition that supports an increase in the state’s minimum wage on Wednesday urged people to vote early in the Nov. 4 election in support of the non-binding ballot initiative to raise…

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Rauner plows another $3 million into campaign; Nears record

Via The Chicago Sun-Times In two days, Republican candidate for governor Bruce Rauner plowed another $3 million of his personal fortune into his candidacy for governor, bringing the venture capitalist’s total investment in his own campaign to more than $23…

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Quinn gets $1 million in late contributions

Via The Chicago Tribune Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s political organization kicked in $175,000 this week to Gov. Pat Quinn’s late push to try to beat back the election challenge from Republican businessman Bruce Rauner — part of more than $1 million…

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