Via Chicago Sun-Times SPRINGFIELD — Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner and his wife, Diana, have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to protect abortion rights and the environment — traditionally seen as liberal causes. Rauner has given similar amounts to…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Sun-Times Lynn Sweet WASHINGTON — Major unions are pumping big money into a November ballot question about raising Illinois’ minimum wage which in reality is a political tool to energize Democratic voters who are also more than likely to…
Read MoreDear ICPR Friends: ICPR was proud to kick off its Small Donor Democracy initiative with a forum at the DePaul University School of Law on September 18 exploring how such programs can encourage more candidate and voter participation and reduce…
Read MoreVia Chicago Sun-Times The last year has been relatively quiet on the political corruption front. U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon has pushed only a handful of cases alleging wrongdoing by local pols, though he may have more in the works. It’s…
Read MoreVia 91.9 By Sean Crawford The following is an op-ed written by Mike Lawrence for the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois. Lawrence was a longtime journalist, Press Secretary for Gov. Jim Edgar and…
Read MoreVia CBS Chicago This week on ‘At Issue’ political editor Craig Dellimore interviews UIC Political Science Professor Dick Simpson and David Melton, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, about all the big money in political campaigns and the…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Tribune Two years ago, Illinois Democrats parlayed a new political map they drew and the final appearance at the top of the ticket by President Barack Obama to sweep out four Republican congressmen and reverse some of…
Read MoreVia the State Journal-Register With Illinois’ ongoing financial problems and a continuing backlog of bills to pay, Republican Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka’s office has long expedited payments to businesses and organizations most in need of getting paid for their state…
Read MoreVia The Republic HARTFORD, Connecticut — Millions of dollars from outside groups are flowing into Connecticut’s tight race for governor despite a widely heralded publicly funded campaign financing system that’s intended to stem the flow of outside money. Two political…
Read MoreVia Bloomberg Millions more Americans will have the right to drive and walk around U.S. cities with hidden, loaded guns if freelance videographer Edward Peruta wins his fight to carry one on assignment. The sheriff in San Diego rejected Peruta’s…
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