Via The state Journal-Register CHICAGO — Illinois’s gubernatorial race turned to the question of whether a candidate’s personal wealth should be a qualifying factor in holding public office with the Democratic lieutenant governor candidate saying Thursday that Republican Bruce Rauner…
Read MoreVia DsNews The number of foreclosure filings in a six-county region in Illinois that includes Chicago dropped by nearly 38 percent from the first half of 2013 to the first half of 2014, falling to its lowest level since 2007,…
Read MoreVia The Washington Post Remember back in April when the Supreme Court struck down the total contribution limit for individual donors? Well, lots (and lots) of wealthy individuals have taken advantage of their new freedom to give to as many candidates…
Read MoreVia The Chicago Tribune Allegations of criminal misconduct by Chicago aldermen are being reviewed by county, state and federal prosecutors, the City Council’s internal watchdog said Wednesday. “We have cases currently pending…that hopefully will result in indictments in the following…
Read MoreVia Chicago Sun-Times Mayor Rahm Emanuel signed an executive order Wednesday requiring city contractors to pay their employees $13-an-hour — 9 percent more than the $11.93 currently required — and broadened the “living wage” umbrella to include airport concessionaires. Emanuel…
Read MoreVia The battle between ride-sharers such as Uber Technologies Inc. and conventional taxi companies has spawned not only an all-out political scrum but, in the Illinois tradition, a very big-bucks battle to buy political support. Much of what’s occurring…
Read MoreVia Express Milwaukee How times have changed. As a lightning-rod governor facing a recall in 2012, Gov. Scott Walker raised unheard-of sums for his campaign. And, thanks to revelations in the new John Doe investigation, we now know that Walker also…
Read MoreVia Pantagraph CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans to sign an executive order that requires city contractors and subcontractors to pay employees a $13-an-hour minimum wage. View Full Article
Read MoreVia National Review Embattled Illinois governor Pat Quinn will be living on the minimum wage this week. Well, sort of. Quinn, a Democrat, won’t actually earn the minimum wage — he will continue to pull down the governor’s salary of…
Read MoreVia Fox 32 CHICAGO (Associated Press) – Gov. Pat Quinn says his experience trying to live on the minimum wage for a week has meant graham crackers for dinner. Raising the state’s $8.25 hourly minimum wage to at least $10…
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