
RFI Statement: Governor Pritzker, keep your promise on ethics

In Governor Pritzker’s State of the State address last year, he committed to fighting for a series of meaningful ethics reforms to address our endless corruption scandals and begin rebuilding Illinoisans’ shattered trust in their state government. The ethics bill the legislature passed…

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RFI Statement: At a time of crisis, ethics bill falls short

On Monday, the General Assembly passed SB539, a long-awaited ethics omnibus bill. After endless scandals and indictments, we had hoped for comprehensive reform that would help restore Illinoisans’ confidence in their government. While SB539 takes some steps in the right direction, we…

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RFI Statement: ILGA passes vote by mail, accessibility expansion

This week, the Illinois legislature passed a bill with two of Reform for Illinois‘ top priorities: making it easier to vote by mail with a “permanent vote by mail list” and improving voting access for people with disabilities. Reform for Illinois has been advocating for these measures…

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