Reporter Dean Olsen interviewed Reform for Illinois Executive Director Alisa Kaplan for a State Journal-Register article on the new ethics law passed by the General Assembly. Kaplan pointed out that the state’s new revolving door prohibition is much shorter than the…
Read MoreLast week, Republicans in the Illinois Senate introduced an amendment to SB1350 containing a package of ethics reforms that would make some significant changes to the status quo in Springfield. The new bill is not perfect, but it improves on…
Read MoreAs part of a report on the package of ethics reforms currently under consideration in the General Assembly, Dan Petrella and Jenny Whidden of the Chicago Tribune turned to RFI Executive Director Alisa Kaplan for her take on the proposals. Read…
Read MoreWith the final quarterly campaign finance reports of 2020 submitted in mid-January, we now have a complete picture of the role that small donations played in the November elections for the Illinois General Assembly. And that role is, well, small. …
Read MoreThe 2022 primaries are still a year away and Governor Pritzker has not yet announced his reelection campaign, but he has already infused his political committee with a $35 million self-contribution. Reform for Illinois Executive Director Alisa Kaplan spoke with…
Read MoreExecutive Director Alisa Kaplan spoke with Greg Bishop of The Center Square to discuss ethics reform in the wake of a new report by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago showing that Illinois is the second most corrupt state government…
Read MoreExecutive Director Alisa Kaplan spoke with Greg Bishop of The Center Square to discuss the future of Mike Madigan’s influence over the Democratic Party of Illinois. While he may be gone as a state lawmaker and as the chair of some key…
Read MoreRFI Executive Director spoke with Greg Bishop about the Illinois House’s new rules to allow remote committee meetings. It’s a start, but more rule updates are needed so that citizens can fully participate in the work of their government. Read…
Read MoreWith Mike Madigan out as Speaker of the House and Chris Welch now in the top post, along with a slew of prosecutions of former members of the General Assembly, there is now an opportunity like never before in recent…
Read MoreThis week, Republicans in the Illinois House and Senate introduced a package of three constitutional amendments branded as the “Voter Empowerment Project.” Reform for Illinois is always eager to work with groups interested in reforming Illinois government to make it…
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