Reform for Illinois would like to thank everyone who donated in 2018. Ryan Adams Mary Ann Ahern Mary Alltop Sharon Alter Michael Alvarez Hon. Carol Ammons Judy & James Armstrong Lucy Ascoli Steve Baer Pamela Bailey Hon. Suzie Bassi Scott…
Read MorePolicy Director Alisa Kaplan was quoted in this article. Via – The Chicago Sun-Times “No one has come close to raising as much as Emanuel has, with more than a week until the deadline to file petitions to get on…
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Summary State legislative leaders have been using Illinois’ self-funding campaign finance provision to get around contribution caps and funnel millions into party and candidate committees. October saw a flurry of last-minute megadonor activity capping a record-breaking election season. This election cycle…
Read MoreRFI advocates for reforms to make voting easier, more secure, and more accessible for everyone. We worked with lawmakers to pass the Voting Equipment Modernization Project this year and are exploring innovative ways to make our elections work better for administrators and voters alike….
Read MoreRFI Policy Director Alisa Kaplan was quoted in this article. Via – Chicago Tribune With days to go until the midterm elections and early voting underway, Chicago startup BallotReady is in overdrive, working to ensure that voters don’t leave blanks…
Read MoreIllinois Sunshine was mentioned in this article. Via – Rockford Register Star “Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana, a Republican, and his Democratic challenger Bob Springer may differ in their politics and their plans for running the county’s largest department, but…
Read MoreIllinois Sunshine was mentioned in this article. Via – The Daily Herald Responding to a moderator’s question at a recent political forum in Barrington, Democratic state representative candidate Mary Edly-Allen said campaigns should be limited to $100,000 in contributions and…
Read MorePolicy Director Alisa Kaplan was quoted in this article. Via – CBS Candidates in the Illinois governor’s race have spent more than $207 million on T.V. ads this election season–making this year’s election one of the most expensive gubernatorial races…
Read MoreRFI was mentioned in this article. Via – Chicago Tribune Could the midterm elections signal a return to snail mail? In Chicago politics, which is all sorts of old-school, maybe. Local election officials said requests for mail-in ballots in Chicago…
Read MoreRFI was mentioned in this article. Via – The Chicago Crusader Democratic candidate for attorney general Kwame Raoul joined Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and Brendan Kelly, candidate in Illinois’ 12th Congressional District, for a get-out-the-vote rally in East St. Louis, IL on…
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