
Big Money Power Brokers in the 2018 Illinois Primary

Who were the individuals and special interests behind some of Illinois’ most expensive local and statewide elections this year? We know that JB Pritzker self-funded his campaign to the tune of $70 million, and Governor Rauner dropped $50 million into his…

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Costly Campaigns

ICPR’s Policy Director Colin Williams was quoted in this article. Via – WTAX “To win a statewide election, you’d better have a lot of money – or be within walking distance of it! It’s the kind of thing, wealthy though…

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Governor Primary Broke Records, and There’s More to Come

ICPR’s research was mentioned in this article. Via – Daily Herald “Most expensive primary in Illinois history? The dubious honor goes to this year’s gubernatorial primary where Democrat J.B. Pritzker and Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner emerged victorious, a government watchdog…

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Illinois Campaign Forecast: Expensive with Negative Ads

ICPR’s research was mentioned in this article. Via – Herald WHIG “Illinois politicians say that based on Tuesday’s primary election, they expect higher spending, more negative advertising and more uncertainty leading up to November’s general election. State Sen. Sam McCann,…

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Each Rauner Vote Worth $215

ICPR was mentioned in this article. Via – Dispatch Argus “Gov. Bruce Rauner spent $57 million to narrowly win his Republican primary election on Tuesday, while Democratic winner J.B. Pritzker spent $70 million, according to the Chicago Tribune. Gov. Rauner…

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