“Competition among political parties – even if it’s just two – that’s certainly better than if there’s only one party. But you need to have enough robust parties that they’re competing against each other for your vote and there’s some…
Read MoreIn an interview with The Center Square about the ongoing Madigan trial, RFI ED Alisa Kaplan said there are reasons legislators sometimes don’t like ethics rules. “It’s human nature not to want to restrain yourselves. We’re asking lawmakers to make…
Read MoreCook County Clerk Cedric Giles: Phone: 312-603-0931, Email: cedric.giles@cookcountyil.gov Please CC Clerk Giles’ presumptive successor following November’s election: Monica.Gordon2@cookcountyil.gov Evanston’s Cook County Commissioner Josina Morita: District Phone: 847-864-1209, Email: Josina.Morita@cookcountyil.gov Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle: Phone: 312-603-4600, Email: info@tonipreckwinkle.org…
Read MoreThe Chicago Tribune spoke with RFI Executive Director Alisa Kaplan about Local 150’s influence in Springfield. “This kind of money could buy a lot of influence,’’ she said. Read the article here.
Read MoreRFI ED Alisa Kaplan spoke with The Center Square about the need for ethics reform in Springfield as former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan’s trial continues. “I just don’t think that we’ve seen the push for real change that we…
Read MoreThe Chicago Tribune interviewed RFI Executive Director Alisa Kaplan about the large amounts of campaign cash flowing into Chicago’s first-ever elected school board races. The latest numbers are unsurprising, she said, “but it is alarming. And Illinois’ unique rule allowing…
Read MoreRFI Executive Director Alisa Kaplan spoke with The Center Square about former Illinois House Speaker Madigan’s upcoming trial. “I do think that [Madigan’s trial] sends a powerful signal that the Chicago Way and business as usual is not the same…
Read MoreAfter months of political maneuvering, yesterday the Chicago City Council approved a measure banning lobbyists from making campaign contributions to the mayor and mayoral candidates. The ordinance was the ultimate no-brainer: its purpose was just to codify a similar 2011…
Read MoreAdvantage News interviewed RFI Executive Director Alisa Kaplan about lobbying reforms passed in 2021 and potential additional avenues for reform. “We just want what a vast majority of states have, which is a one to two year waiting period for…
Read MoreRFI ED Alisa Kaplan spoke with the Chicago Tribune about how Illinois’ lack of meaningful campaign finance reform contributes to the state’s reputation for corruption. “Because we do have this problem of rampant big money in our elections, we do…
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